The Negative Effects of Using Plastik Drinking Bottles

The Negative Effects of Using Plastik Drinking Bottles 

Plastic bottles are everywhere. Drinking water, soda and sometimes food come in plastic bottles. Americans throw away 35 billion plastic water bottles every year. 60 million plastic bottles are thrown away every day. This is a big problem for humans, the environment, and the animals on our planet. 

                                                       Recycling just one plastic
                                                          bottle save enough 
                                                       energy to power a 60W 
                                                         light bulb for 6 hours

You already know that buying a bottle of water cost more than filling a glass or reusable bottle at the tap. Using plastic drinking bottles produces negative effects on health and the environment. Using glass bottles would be a good solution to get away from plastic bottles. Most plastic water bottles are recyclable, and yet most of them are never recycled and end up in the garbage 80% of plastic bottles are not recycled. You need to bring your plastic bottles back to the shop. Here they are collected and the come back to the recycling system. It is harder to recycle plastic bottles than you think. Of the mass number of the plastic Bottles consumed throughout the world, most of them are not recycled because only certain types of plastic bottles can be recycled. It is important to try to recycle as many water bottles as possible. And never throw plastic bottles in the nature. The Production of plastic uses around eight percent of the world´s oil production. Over the last ten years we have produced more plastic than during the whole of the last country. It might also be a good idea to drink water at the tap. You can fill it in nice bottles and glasses and add some lemon ore mint.

The Effects of Not Recycling Water Bottles 

Plastic in the ocean breaks down into such small segments that pieces of pieces from a one little bottle could end up on every mile of the beach through the world. It takes 500 - 1.000 years for plastic to degrade. One million sea birds and 100,000 marine mammals are killed annually from plastic in our oceans. 44 percent of all seabird species, all sea turtle special and a growing list of fish species have been documented with plastic particles in or around their bodies. We need to give  scientists the possibility to find out how to get rid of all this plastic in the oceans. Maybe plastic bottles should be very expensive and we use the money to get the oceans clean again. 


50 BILLION, Bottled water is manufactured every year globally
AMERICANS are the top consumers of bottled water, taking 60% or 30 billion of the global tally
EVERY SECOND, bottledwater is consumed in the US. Bottled water WORTH $6, 67, Tap water WORTH $1
ONLY 10 BILLION,single-serve bottles are actually recycled. The rest end up in the landfills or worse, the planet´s bodies of water, becoming and threat to marine life.
It would take at least 450 Yearfor a single service plastic bottle to decompose 
ABOUT 40%of bottled water is actually from municipal water soured making it a “bottled tap water” 

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